Beloved Soda Brewing Operation Winds Down

Extenuating circumstances such as the heat dome and the pandemic along with other supply chain issues has forced us to make the hard decision to wind down our beloved hand CRAFTED Soda brewing operation. 

To make soda from local fruits and berries was truly ground-breaking. As we discovered, also very difficult and costly (which is safe to say, why no one else tried it). We are very proud of our many years of success and accomplishment in producing a truly local, seasonal, handcrafted customer favorite. We received many awards and much recognition - including an article in the New York Times! We shipped it to retailers, distributors and fans all over the country and to Canada and Japan. 

To those who supported us in this wonderful adventure, we thank you and look for your support in similar innovations in our future. Ideas welcome! We are always expanding our menu in other exciting new areas, and as always thank you for supporting HOTLIPS Pizza!